This website was started in January of 2025 and will be continually updated as long as possible. The structure of this site is based on the PARA system, a sort of knowledge management system for personal organization. It’s intended for this site to be a digital garden, maybe just a one person thing for now, but with room to grow into whatever it needs to be.
Content here is written, collected and curated by Cobweb, who intends to make this a growing library of links, opinions, facts, mysteries, and most importantly endangered or lost media. Let it be known that this library is protected by an esoteric ward:
This space belongs to Voidcomm. Whoever steals or corrupts these words, whoever distorts them with fascist poison, let their hands wither, their servers crash, their passwords leak, their packets drop and their backups fail. May their domains be seized by cleverer minds, and their code be rewritten to serve the commons. So mote it be.
This site does not track, mine, or monetize your data. It is an ongoing experiment in autonomy and decentralization, built with tools that align with our principles. If you want to learn more, if you want to contribute, or host your own self-sustaining website, you are welcome here.